Epiphany of The Lord, 2021
Dear Bishop Michael Goddard, AKA Bishop John Patrick,
In as much as you have chosen to ignore Archbishop Vellone’s instructions forbidding the use of the titles Vicar for Clergy, Director of Metropolitan Tribunal, and Chancellor of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church, Archdiocese of California, Utrecht Succession, which took effect on 5 January, 2021, you are in disobedience and have violated the following canons: Canon 2209 §1-§7 , Canon 2122 §1-§4, Canon 2213 §1-§3, Canon 2331 §1-§2, Canon 2334 §1-§2, Canon 2336 §1, Canon 2344, Canon 2362, Canon 2394 §1-§3.
Therefore, I hereby issue this Canonical Warning, at Archbishop Vellone’s direction, giving you 48 hours to remove alleged titles from the NAORCC.com webpage. In addition, Archbishop Vellone has directed that if you do not comply you will face automatic, irrevocable excommunication.
In Christ,
The Most Reverend Ivan Castaneda
Vicar General, NAORCC Archdiocese of California Utrecht Succession