It is with great joy that we announce the reunification of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church-Utrecht Succession, Archdiocese of California with the North American Old Roman Catholic Church-Primatial See of Nova Terra.

For the past 80 years these two ecclesiastical jurisdictions have been separated from each other due to the actions of church leaders back in 1940. For the past year the current church leaders of both jurisdictions, Archbishops Edward J Ford and Joseph A Vellone have prayerfully worked together to return their jurisdictions back to the original union which existed when they were first organized in 1916 and continued to exist until 1940.  On 29 September 2020 both Archbishops signed a formal document of unification, uniting the two jurisdictions into a single ecclesiastical jurisdictions and establishing two provinces within that single jurisdiction. The effective date of the union was the First Sunday of Advent, 29 November 2020. This unification includes all of the parishes and clergy of the Archdiocese of California (Abp Vellone and Bp Castaneda), as well as those of the following dioceses and Missionary Societies: The Diocese of the Infant Jesus (Bp Madanguit), The Diocese of San Miguel Arcangel (Bp Rosas-Garcia), The Missionary Congregation of the Infant Jesus (Msgr Maglente). The clergy and parishes of these dioceses and societies are represented in the United States, Canada, Mexico, The Philippines, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Italy and elsewhere.

We also are pleased to announce the unification of the Missionaries of Saint Paul in Colombia and Cameroun under the jurisdiction of Archbishop Torres-Moreno, Bishop Acosta and Bishop Ondigui with the North American Old Roman Catholic Church-Primatial See of Nova Terra. The effective date of this unification was also The First Sunday of Advent 29 November 2020.

With great joy we also announce the unification of the Jurisdiction of the Infant Jesus of Prague (Abp Gabriel and Bp Rindahl) in Texas with the North American Old Roman Catholic Church-Primatial See of Nova Terra. The effective date of this union was also The First Sunday of Advent 22 November 2020.

With such unifications there is always a time of preparation and adjustment needed to work out the various “bumps” that can occur. In anticipation of the time needed to make these unions fruitful, a Year of Transition has been established to allow the various clergy and jurisdictions to adapt and implement the various changes required by these unions, in matters liturgical, canonical and administrative. By the all powerful guidance and working of the Holy Ghost, any “hiccups” along the way will be minimal and the benefits great and fruitful for the Faithful of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church.

Preceding these unifications with the North American Old Roman Catholic Church-Primatial See of Nova Terra, hierarchs of several Old Roman Catholic Churches entered into a formal cooperation (not organic union) with each other on 29 June 2020 the Feast of Sts Peter and Paul, to encourage a  growing together  and cooperation with each other. The cooperating Hierarchs were: Abp Ford, Abp Lloyd, Abp Vellone, Bp Plant, Bp Kelly, Bp Rosas, together with and Canon Villareal-Falquez).

Canon Villareal Falquez has been tasked by Archbishop Ford with the process of psychological assessments, International Background Inquiries, and regularization of clergy with deficient orders, which is now underway.

Further overtures for union with the North American Old Roman Catholic Church are currently underway with clergy and jurisdictions in Peru, Brazil and elsewhere.